The Seniors (Intra-)Club offers a large number of activities – of a generally social and non-competitive nature – in which members can participate and interact with each other. For further information about the Seniors Club please contact the President, Kathy Collins (mob. 0416 023 400 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). For all the following organised activities listed below there is a notice on the Seniors Noticeboard (downstairs in the Club), on which you can add your name if you wish to join a group activity after paying $5 at the Members Service Centre to join the Seniors Intra-Club.

The membership fee for the Seniors Intra-Club is $5 per calendar year (due each December) for financial North Ryde RSL Club members.
Organised activities are:

Meets in the Marble Bar, on the 3rd Monday of the month at 10am. Optional lunch once a month.

Camera Club which would include tuition from one of our Club members in all aspects of photography. This would take place on proposed outings during the year. You don’t need a special camera. Contact Frank Rocca 0402 920 800

2nd & 4th Monday of each month from 10.15am. Mostly rummy-based card games. Optional lunch follows at 12.00 pm.
First Monday of each month. Social indoor (carpet) bowls and darts. Arrive at the Bowls Room at 10.00 am. Optional lunch at 12.00 pm.

Last Thursday of the month, cost $10 (includes $9 green fees & $1 prize). Arrive at 9.45am for 10am start.For all levels of ability (regular bowlers, occasional bowlers, and novices). Bowls can be borrowed if you don't have a set. Flat-soled shoes required. 

Every Monday, 1pm - 3pm. Please meet downstairs in the Youth Club.(except school holidays).
Occasional lunches at outside venues
Generally held once a term.
Every Thursday, 1.00 pm – 3.00 pm in the Youth Club, followed by optional friendly afternoon tea or coffee in the Club after the game each week.(except school holidays).
Every Monday morning during school terms at 9.30 am. Check the location with Gordon Crossley, the Convenor, 0412 819 453.

"Mixed Doubles is played on Fridays from 9 am to 12 pm (weather permitting), on the Club's 2 courts. A medium level of tennis ability is a requirement".

Hunters Hill Theatre held at Club Ryde. See Seniors Noticeboard for full year's program and cost.
Held on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month from 4pm to 6pm in the Marble Bar.
(Day trips). We offer several day trips per year (e.g. Kiama Blowhole/Gerroa Fishermans Club, Christmas-in-July at Camden Valley Inn, Aunt Molly's, Davistown RSL and The Carrington, Katoomba, Leura private gardens, High Tea at State Parliament House, Little Snail, Pyrmont, Riverboat Postman on the Hawkesbury.

(Tours) Murray Region and High Country, staying at Yarrawonga, Life of Riley, Jindabyne/Snowy Mountains Alpine Region.

Vegetable Growers Club, Second Thursday of each month from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm and a possible lunch together at the Club after. Possible field trips. Contact Graeme Inchley 0413 112 000
Second Friday of each month. March to November. To various locations via public transport (e.g. Lavender Bay, Cockatoo Island, Coogee-Maroubra, Watsons Bay-Dover Heights, Cremorne Point, Collaroy-Dee Why, Balls Head, Parramatta Park, Mosman Bay to Taronga Zoo). Have morning tea and lunch together. See Seniors Noticeboard.
(Western Style)  Every Tuesday of the month. Meet at 12.45pm until app.3.00pm near the Marble Bar on the upper Heritage side. The Instructor is Jan Taylor, Ph: 0407 101 850

Push Bike Riding

No bike riding in the school holidays. Weather permitting, we meet at the end of Adelaide Street (Meadowbank Park) at 10 am and ride from there to Parramatta or Wentworth Point and return. Convenor, Ken Bramwell 0438 267 754.


LUNCH PARTIES  held in the Club -  Seniors Annual Party in September and our Christmas party in early December.

Information about these activities can be found on the Seniors Noticeboard (downstairs in the Club) and in the Seniors Newsletter. Members of the Seniors Club can receive the Monthly Newsletter by email by providing their email details to a Seniors Committee member.